Color, Architecture and Lifestyle
— Level 1
31.01-01.02.2023 / 04-05.07.2023
— Level 2
04-05.04.2023 / 13-14.12.2023
— Level 1
23-24.03.2023 / 11-12.05.2023 / 14-15.09.2023
— Level 2
01-02.06.2023 / 19-20.10.2023 / 07-08.12.2023
— Level 1
09-10.03.2023 / 05-06.10.2023
— Level 2
15-16.06.2023 / 23-24.11.2023
— Level 1
25-26.05.2023 / 28-29.09.2023
— Level 2
29-30.06.2023 / 09-10.11.2023
Enrollment / Further information here.
Color plays an important role in architecture and interior design. It has the potential to provide esthetics and identity, create meaning, bring elements together and give them value. Color and materials affect the proportions and qualities of buildings. Anyone who wants to use color as a creative tool should learn more about it. This course teaches you about the potential that color has for architecture and interior design projects. You will be able to better work with color, materials and complementary pairs in your indoor and outdoor projects.
LEVEL I – 14h of training
OBJECTIVES – Learn how to use the tools and language of color – Master complementary colors – Understand how to design colors and materials for a space or facade – Make the right choices depending on the type of building (traditional, contemporary, etc.) and space – Learn about trends and innovations
The Color, Architecture & Lifestyle program gives you the tools you need better manage use of color in your projects.
LEVEL II – 14h of training
OBJECTIVES Dedicated to colors and materials design, this advanced course focuses on facades and interior design. The goal is to help you apply methods and tools that will give you confidence when working with color and help you make and defend the right choices. You will conduct color projects, individually or with a team, following specific recommendations. These two days of classes are designed like a workshop. You will have a practical and creative experience with color in architectural design.

Architects, interior designers, decorators, urban planners, landscape designers, painters, builders, program managers, government technicians, marketing managers in the building industry and anyone interested in color. No prerequisites. Group of 12 people maximum.
This course teaches theory using PowerPoint and various individual and group practical and interactive exercises, Natural Color System (NCS) or equivalent, examples and tools. Students are provided with materials regularly.
For remote courses, you will receive your class materials 7 days before the start of the course. We use Zoom and other online tools for exercises (Padlet, Digipad).
You will be provided with a certificate specifying what you learned and the length of the program. Learning will be assessed through class work (practical exercises, case studies, etc.). You will be provided with a self-assessment sheet at the end of the second day of class.
Freelancer: €650 net – (VAT not applicable) Company employee: €850 net – (VAT not applicable) Jobseeker: €650 net – (VAT not applicable)
Class fees, materials and snacks included (no meals). Nacarat’s Colors & Materials Inspiration Book will be provided to you.
Nacarat is an educational institution registered under no. 7331 0482 031
An employer may contact us, or an employee, an individual, Pôle Emploi, etc. Contact us for more information. We will respond within 72 hours. We will specify the objectives, teaching and assessment methods and possible sources of funding. Your class may be partially or fully reimbursed (OPCO, FIF PL, Pôle Emploi). We will send you our Assessment of Needs questionnaire to adapt the course to you. Except in special cases, the enrollment deadline is 2 weeks before the session.
All of our courses may be adapted to people with disabilities and we take care to respect their needs. For any questions on special needs and to evaluate your needs, contact Vanessa Lehner, Instructor Color Consultant Designer, our disability representative at NACARAT Color Design at +33 5 34 46 56 25 or by email at
Nacarat also offers custom in-house training programs.
We will plan the best dates for your course depending on your needs, preferences and requirements.
Except in special cases and depending on the availability of participants and instructors and our schedule, we usually set up the program within a month.