Color, Creation & Communication
Color shapes, informs, stimulates, carries meaning.
Enrollment / Further information here.
Color plays a major role in marketing, design and communication. It is a powerful tool for communication and makes brands and products stand out from the crowd. Nacarat, a global design agency and color expert, specializes in enhancing brands, products and spaces. We will share our expertise and knowledge with you. Our skills, specific methods, research projects and contracts with corporations and innovative SMEs will help you improve your ability to use the power of color.
11h of training
OBJECTIVES – Design a color strategy to position your offer and set you apart – Make the right color choices for your products, packaging, communication tools and signs – Learn how to talk about color, defend your choices internally and talk with your partners
This program gives you the tools you need to better manage use of color in your projects. It combines theory, exercises and individual and group practical applications.

Designers, graphic designers, product managers, marketing or design managers, communication managers, all professions who work in creation, design, marketing, communication, signs and anyone interested in color. No prerequisites required. Group of 8 people maximum.
Our training programs combine theory on PowerPoint and paperboard with practical workshops that use our exclusive exercises and case studies. Our Nacarat instructors all have Master’s in Applied Arts and Color and have been teaching since 2005.
Students are provided with materials regularly.
You will be provided with a certificate specifying what you learned and the length of the program. Learning will be assessed through class work (practical exercises, case studies, etc.). You will be provided with a self-assessment sheet at the end of the second day of class.
Freelancers: €780 net (VAT not applicable) Companies and organizations: €980 net (VAT not applicable) Jobseekers: €780 net (VAT not applicable)
Class fees, materials, lunch and snacks included. Nacarat’s Colors & Materials Inspiration Book will be provided to you.
Nacarat is an educational institution registered under no. 7331 0482 031
ENROLLMENTAn employer may contact us, or an employee, an individual, Pôle Emploi, etc. Contact us for more information. We will respond within 72 hours. We will specify the objectives, teaching and assessment methods and possible sources of funding. Your class may be partially or fully reimbursed (OPCO, FIF PL, Pôle Emploi). We will send you our Assessment of Needs questionnaire to adapt the course to you. Except in special cases, we usually set up the course within a month.
All of our courses may be adapted to people with disabilities and we take care to respect their needs. For any questions on special needs and to evaluate your needs, contact Vanessa Lehner, Instructor Color Consultant Designer, our disability representative at NACARAT Color Design at +33 5 34 46 56 25 or by email at
Nacarat also offers custom in-house training programs.
We will plan the best dates for your course depending on your needs, preferences and requirements.
Except in special cases and depending on the availability of participants and instructors and our schedule, we usually set up the program within a month.